Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lucky Me

A quick note about yesterday's post: The lady friend who told the Prof that I did not deserve him (she was right - but I don't think she meant it in the way I am taking it up!) - was NOT Cream Puff. Who knows - another floosie?

During these days of counseling and talking, there was a time when the Prof said to me, that I was lucky - whatever his decision - I was the eventual winner!

You think??? - I am not exactly feeling like I struck any jack pot here???

He reasoned : If he chose me - then I was winning, and if he left, I would make a new life and be happy too. He was the one who would loose the most - no matter which way he chose. Ironically, he turned out to be right, but it would not happen in a way he could have predicted.

During the counseling sessions, the counselor began to push The Prof into making a decision about his relationship with Cream Puff. Counseling would not be successful if he refused to give up his "friendship" with her.

This required a few days thought from the Prof, who then decided and announced to me that he was moving out at the beginning of February 2007. This was so that he "could get his ducks in a row" - another chapter from the book The Script.

A note about the children at this stage. They were completely unaware of what was happening. They were aware of the increased tension. I knew this from the increased fighting and bickering amongst them. There was even a day when Marinda said - Mom , I am so scared that you and dad divorce. I told her that I would not choose divorce, but that I could not make choices on dad's behalf. Not much comfort for her in that.

But… they had no idea of what was really going on.

In the background was also the new job in January. It was a whole strange new world. The people were fine, the job was a huge learning curve. I so often sat and cried in front of my computer screen, about the stuff going on at home. But programmers are generally an introverted lot (don't know where I fell off THAT bus) .... the people from work didn’t notice.

There was one particular day, when Jelly Tot Man (we will come to his name later in the story), came to ask me what was wrong. He was busy training me, and he very innocently meant – am I struggling with the work? I thought he had seen me crying. I looked at him, burst into tears and blurted – "my husband is leaving me".

The look of horror on his face was classic to behold. I think it had more to do with – what do I do with this crying woman – than the actual content of what I had just told him. Very awkwardly he half punched, half slapped me on the shoulder, which I took to mean – here is a hug for you – I am sorry.

We’ve done a lot of laughing over this odd scene since then.


  1. Wow the story is getting into shape. I can see there is a hint or too in this storie, thats going to be revieled at a later stage. ldddw

  2. I think comments fromm ldddw should not be allowed - he might spoil the twist in the tale! And none of this lovey-dovey secret code stuff either, ha! J
