Monday, August 31, 2009

The Gift

We need to backtrack a few days - back to December. There is a little story I would like to tell you about.
A funny thing happened in December. I only understood it's significance once I had read The Script. (I keep coming back to this book, but it is truly significant how the Prof had "memorised" it's scenes - he might as well have written it!!!! )
There is a chapter in this book entitled - The Expensive Gift.
Yup - he did this one too!
During December, we had once walked past a jewelery store. I am not a big jewelery person, and don't normally notice much of what is going on there. But on this occasion, as we walked past, a beautiful necklace caught my eye. I remember commenting on it, saying what an unusual design it had, and then we continued on. I didn't think about it again.
Toward the end of December, a brown paper package appeared in the dinning room. It was set on a table which stood in a corner. I used to do the ironing pretty close to that table. I don't know why I didn't notice the appearance of the package. Perhaps I was too preoccupied with our marital problems (at this stage I didn't know about Cream Puff yet, but it was after he had driven away the one night).
Be that as it may - I payed it no attention. This must have been wildly frustrating for the Prof - who notices EVERYTHING. He began dropping hints, and saying - did you see what is over there etc. I looked at it and duly asked - oh what is in there?
That is a surprise for you, he said. "Mmm nice".
I assumed it was a Christmas present, so I laid aside my curiosity - and got on with life. There was housework to do, ironing, kids to feed, and a marriage to save. Quite enough to keep my mind busy!
I really don't know what The Prof was expecting of me. Did he think I would take a peek, or that I would nag him about it? He eventually put it in my hands and told me to open it. Of course you can guess - the beautiful necklace I had remarked upon, was inside the package.
Of course I was thrilled, of course I was thankful, and told him so. Somehow, it felt like my words were just not enough.
He told me, that a friend of his (a lady friend whom he had met while studying his MBA), had said about me, that I don't deserve him, that he is too good for me and I don't appreciate what he does for me. My handling of the whole gift story was proof that she was right, he told me. (HUH? I guess to say it kinda spoilt the gift, would be a bit of an understatement!)
I truly did not understand this "attack". In light of The Script, however, it became clearer. A gift given under these circumstances (where the other person is having an affair), is meant to make you think - gosh look at this expensive, unexpected gift - it must mean he loves me. It is intended to say the following: See I am really a good guy, put you off the scent and prevent you from ever getting angry with me again.
In the Prof's case, he added an extra layer. He chose to take his friend's words to heart, became offended with me because I had not shown enough interest in THE GIFT, and was not thankful enough for the price it cost him. In short - he used it as a grand excuse to say - "see - I am right to leave her, she just doesn't appreciate me at all".
Well, from everything I have written, you must have gathered by now that The Prof (who truly was a Professor), had a whole string of degrees behind his name. I don't know who made this gorgeous quote - but today feels like just the right time to give it to you:
"You can have as many degrees as a thermometer, and still be a fool!"
As a footnote: I still have this necklace, and actually wear it with a lot of pleasure. I get a lot of compliments when I wear it, and then I think: Mmmm yes, it costs a dear price sometimes, to soothe a guilty conscience.


  1. I sm so loving this blog. Can't wait to turn my computer on every morning and get the next installment

  2. o wow - nicest compliment you can give me. Thanks Denise!!!!

  3. I recognise this kind of behaviour. My X told my parents after I had left him, that he had bought me a very expensive perfume. Duh! He did not even give it to me, but that was now supposed to show what a good husband he had been... Crazy!

  4. Maybe this is an obvious question but was his lady friend who said he was too good for you, the Cream Puff? Sounds like it. Here I thought I knew your whole story, but I never picked up on that little detail! By the way, I agree with Denise - you've actually accomplished the impossible - I'm switching on my computer daily (except weekends). J

  5. Ha ha - THAT is certainly an accomplishment! Thanks!!! I promise not to post on weekeds. Doing 5 pieces a week is a lot of work.

    Hey - NO this friend was NOT the Cream Puff. She was someone whom he met while doing MBA. In retrospect - I do wonder if she was one of the other "AFFAIRS".
