It is rather embarrassing to admit that I am a programmer, but have never blogged. Never even tried it. Humph. Guess I could add that I have 3 kids, sometimes 5, part time job (programming), full time job (running kids around), and time is limited....
Well, never a time like now.
Want to know about the name? 2412Towers? I really rather hoped so... because that is where the story starts.
I hope that people the world over will forgive me, because the name is stolen - sort of. It is a variation of the 9/11 Twin Towers. 2412 stands for the 24th of Dec 2006, and is the day my personal world collapsed as unexpectedly as the trade centre on the fateful 9/11. I in no way want to diminish what happened there, and in no way want to say that I suffered a loss, like the families of the people who died in 9/11. It is merely reference to the huge tragedy it was in my life, and the unexpectedness of it all.
Let me tell you more.
I was happily married to a difficult man (as I would have told the story then). I had 3 beautiful children, 2 girls and a boy. They were 13, 10 and 8. I worked as a part time computer teacher for a local college and was a housewife the rest of the time. I went to bible school, visited some darling old people, had hobbies, time to read... and I guess in retrospect, I was lonely and empty. My husband worked long hours and suffered from depression. Our weekends where spent sleeping (him), working (me). (HA HA - of COURSE!)
2006 sure turned into an eventful year. By the end of Oct I was retrenched from the teaching job, a position I had held for 8 years.
I started looking for a new job - as a teacher (note - not my trained profession). I had stopped programming 10 years before - with the birth of my 2 nd daughter. Who would take on a programmer who was wildly out of date experience wise? Anyway - I didn't need a full time job - so a teaching job would suit me fine.
One door after another closed. No one wanted a computer teacher who was not really a computer teacher by training. A friend asked me to send my CV to the company where she worked - they needed programmers.
I went for an interview. I remember being heck of a cheeky too. Well, I said, I want to work - but really not too hard... I have kids to look after, I fetch granny for coffee once a month, (in my mind I was saying - hey I want a job, but really I don;t have time for work!!!)
Can you believe I got a job - with that awful attitude? Well, I did! I had prayed about it. Asked God, let them offer me this job in the interview - if this is the one I must take. Well, that is exactly what did happen. I must admit, my own amazement that I was hired. They said - OK, you can work 7 to 1, and you can have Thursdays off, to visit granny.
I must sign off, the kids are calling. I will continue my story tomorrow.
Let it Be - Word of 2023
2 years ago
Lovely start to a lovely blog Yvonne! Makes me want to keep reading, and keep reading I will :-)