The first meeting (kids meeting the Cream Puff), was set for a Saturday morning. The counselor would pick up the children and take them through to a Wimpy, where the Prof and Cream Puff would meet them.
The kids had been planning “revenge” on her, and the counselor told me to leave them to it. It was their only way to “get back” at her in a situation which made them feel powerless.
Ha – had I been worried that the kids would not be “true” to me? They were fiercely loyal. Suddenly the puzzle pieces were starting to fit for them too. They also put things together such as – hey mom – Dad lied to us! We saw toys in his car, and when we asked him about it – he told us he had given a work colleague a lift home.
They put the pieces together on hundreds of little details. Remember how we have an expression in our house which says - honesty always pays you back. I guess you can say that the opposite is also true: Lies always pay you back too. Somewhere along the line, they come back to haunt you.
Well, the fateful day arrived, and with huge trepidation, I put the kids in the counselor’s car, and watched them drive off. A part of me felt like the affair was being committed all over again…
Afterwards, we laughed at the kids so much. I didn’t think they would have had the courage to carry out their plans of revenge – but they did.
Arno got under the table, and threw salt on her shoes, Marielle stuck prestick on her skirt and Marinda added a few spoons of sugar to her coffee.
GO KIDS!!!!!
They took an instant dislike to Cream Puff – OF COURSE! I think it had more to do with the “being forced” to meet her, and being “forced to like her” which made them feel like that. "Dislike" was their only defence.
It was also apparent that Cream Puff and the Prof were very uncomfortable and nervous. Cream Puff had no idea how to relate to my children – and spoke to them all as though they were 4 years old.
But it was done. Now the Prof could get the kids on weekends, and no longer had to keep up the pretense of living in the garden cottage. It paved the way for him to “move in”.
Let it Be - Word of 2023
2 years ago
I'm glad that they got their 'revenge'!