The Prof is a great lover of gardening. To this day, he considers the garden (and house) as his property still. He has missed this garden more than he ever missed us!
When he picks up the kids, I see him marching up and down the fence peeking in to the garden to see what we have done there. It is funny in a way - but very sad too. Almost as though he is looking back in to the life that used to be his. I wonder then - what goes through his mind?
He had put 3 fountains in. The first, a great huge thing right in the front of the patio – in your face. It is impressive in it’s own way – I have seen the same thing in front of huge hotel entrances. Are you getting the idea – this thing is too big for a normal garden!
The Prof never dug a foundation for this fountain. The result was – it ALWAYS leaked. In fact – it leaks to this day. The Prof would seal it up, then the ground would shift and wala – the leak was back. In fact – the Prof joked that he put in a borehole to keep filling up the fountain.
Well, in the moving business, he asked for this fountain back. I was quite cross, then realised my “letting go” theory applied to this too – and told him – come and get it.
Mmmm, the fountain is still in my garden ....I guess he didn’t know how to get it moved.
So he settled for taking out one of the other fountains (one that was easier to move)– ironically , leaving a great big gaping hole in the ground. I guess the – O Yvonne I don’t want to leave any holes in the house by taking anything – didn’t extend to the garden!
Footnote: We have decided to fill in the leaking part of the fountain and plant it with flowers.
Let it Be - Word of 2023
2 years ago
Glad you could put "flowers in the gaping hole"! (Figuratively as well)