Tuesday, January 12, 2010

School "germination"

The Blogging community has a thing called : Wordless Wednesday!

The idea is that you post a photo and it tells all, and you don't write a word. Sounds to me like a very nice way of giving bloggers the day off!

So... I have been planning and timing and took some photos... with the idea that I can do Wordless Wednesday too, only to discover - I can't do Wordless Wednesday. Aside from it now being Thursday , I just cannot keep quiet like that.

So , here is my best attempt - lots of photos and fewer words!

Marielle won the blog spot today.

Here she is - 2nd day of high school. She is going through initiation - which they are calling - "germination" ... they are being "germinated" to worthy Florries. ("Florries" is the traditional name of the Florida High School pupils. ) With that in mind - the new initiates are now being called Lorries - they need to EARN the F.

Their "Lorrie" needed a number plate, head lights, and a board explaining what their Lorrie looks like. Here is "Lorrie Marielle" with her number plate!

"Lorrie Marielle" has leather seats, a scratched door and a flat tyre - according to her board.

They also needed to carry a stone around - representing their pet dog, have 8 pony tails and walk around bare foot.


  1. Oh, shame! The babies of the school... :-)

  2. Poor thing! It looks pretty fun and harmless fortunately, and at least she's not the only one. How long does it go on for?
