Although Werner knew that Cream Puff was having the affair, and intending to leave, he didn't know what her plans were or when. So, the actual end came as a huge shock and surprise.
As she usually did, she packed up and left with the children to the farm one weekend at the end of March 2007. On Sunday, she phoned him to tell him she was no longer coming home. With no warning to the children (they were too young to understand - according to her), she returned and moved into the Prof's house.
Werner and the maid were left to pack up her stuff for her.
I fetch Werner's little girl from school (story for another day!). Late last year, she began talking about when she used to drive with in her dad's car. She was talking about his bakkie which he has subsequently sold, so I realised she was talking about her life "before" her parents divorced. I knew she remembered the previous house, because many a time she has told us - I miss my old house. So I asked her what she was missing about her life from before. This was on advice of the counselor who has said we must give recognition to the fact that the children have lost a way of life and have a right to mourn it.
So she spoke for a while about her toys and her room.
Suddenly she said: "you know, mommy took me shopping for shoes - that was before it was the End. Then we went to the farm and it was THE END and I never saw my house again".
I was shocked to the core. Not only does she remember that time, she even has a name for it - The End. And Cream Puff thought they were too young to realise?
My heart still breaks about this, even just writing it down is painful.
Let it Be - Word of 2023
2 years ago
So very sad. It's the best look I've ever had into a child's mind affected by divorce. Hope you guys manage to start beautiful new beginnings with the little ones, though.