Monday, April 12, 2010

Counter Offers

The Prof and Cream Puff went looking for, and found – new jobs for themselves. To this day – we think that things got too uncomfortable for them at the university.

So, in the same month – they both left.

I think it was a relief to Werner. Suddenly, the university was his own domain again.

Together with this move, the Prof informed me that he could no longer take the children to school in the mornings. He had threatened me before – told me that if I didn’t do as he pleased – he would no longer take the children to school. This ploy at control did not work and I had coldly informed him to stop threatening me.

However, I do believe this was not intended as a threat - and was merely the result of his circumstances. I was pretty much at a loss. I asked him for suggestions to resolve the problem and here is what he came up with: He would take the children one day, I would take them one day, Cream Puff would take them one day and my folks could take them the other 2 days.

Now clearly, this was a cumbersome and non practical arrangement.

I decided to speak to the school for a possible solution. The first person I ran in to at the school – was the receptionist who works there. When I asked her if there were any lift clubs operating at the school , she tilted her head to one side and considered me for a long time.
"Now why would you need that ?" – she eventually asked me.

I explained my situation.
"Well…. I can help you "– she said.

What a heaven sent answer. She lives approx 1 km from my house, her daughter goes to Marinda’s public Afrikaans school, and she herself works at the private English school where the younger 2 were at the time. Where on earth could I find a better match?!

So, we made the arrangements. My morning problems were resolved, as well as releasing me from the Prof’s control – as it were.

I also arranged to pay Mrs G (the new lift lady) for the service – so that we had a business arrangement as opposed to a “favour”. She and I were both thrilled with this arrangement.

In fact, she has been doing this for the last 2 years, with such reliability and cheerfulness – I could not have wished for better. If I could draw cartoons – I would draw a small car with kids squashing out of every opening, bags flying in the air – and a giggle cloud following the car. Those are the impressions I have of Mrs G and her car, with all the kids.

But... it didn't take long for the Prof to work out that he was missing the children. He began asking if he could take them to school again. I felt sorry for him, but instead of just saying yes, I put it to the kids. They refused on the spot, to change this new arrangement. Mrs G is always on time and cheerful. they felt that with dad, he arrives at different times, and causes them undue stress. They unanimously decided they didn't need that in their lives.

I simply told the Prof we couldn't change the arrangement.

The nagging began, and continues until today. It gets worse at the beginning of each year and then tails off as we go along. I have steadfastly refused to change the arrangement – also not wanting to be back in the Prof’s control. I smartly told him one day – that Mrs G also needed the extra income she gets from driving the children to school. My mistake!

At the beginning of this year, the Prof went to my house early one morning- and found Mrs G picking up the children. He walked over and introduced himself (totally unnecessary – Mrs G is the secretary at the school – she knows all the parents!).

“I believe you’re just in it for the money”, he said.
Wow - did he think offending her would persuade her to his offer?
“I will offer you double, NOT to take the children to school”.

WELL….this is the lowest of the low points he could go, in my opinion. Worse than the dustbin digging!

And Mrs G? Well, she smiled at him politely, and told him to speak to me – since her arrangement is directly with me.

When I saw her later that same day, she laughingly shook her finger at me:
"You’d better be nice to me", she crooned – "I’m getting counter offers".


  1. Awesome how God send the right person across your path and I can just tell Mrs G is such a positive influence in your kids lives, just by being on time and being reliable. She has a lot of other positive attributes too - one being not accepting that lucrative offer ;-) .

  2. Hi Ronel
    O you are so spot on right with Mrs G. She truly is sucha blessing in our lives. Her reliability, cheerfulness and grace have been a life saver. God took care of every detail - including getting the kids to school on time.

  3. Nice post! He-he!
    I am glad the kids are sorted!
    I have also found a nice after-school person for Arnia, but she comes at a price. It doesn't matter, because I don't have to worry anymore!

  4. Amazing how some people believe money can buy anything and everyone!
