Sunday, December 13, 2009


Werner himself says he doesn’t know where reality ended and paranoia started. He began to notice strange things. The first strange thing was that he was tremendously thirsty. (OK I was thirsty too, and I found out afterwards that stress does that to you – you are thirsty all the time, but you can’t eat.) As Werner describes it so well: there is a little man, standing on your throat, pressing it closed!

But together with thirst, he felt strange. He felt like he didn’t care, that he was disconnected.

A few years prior, the Dr had prescribed pills for stress, which he had not taken. He took it once, didn’t like how it made him feel, and chucked the pills, forgotten, on top of a cupboard.

He went looking for them. There should have been about 28- 29 pills left, but when he found them… there where only 2! He suspected that Cream Puff was putting the powder from these pills, into his food / sugar / coffee.

He also noticed that when he smoked his cigarettes, the filter part turned black. He kept a stash hidden away, and when he smoked those, the filter did not turn black.

Not knowing what to make of it all, he began keeping his own coffee and sugar, and was suspicious of absolutely everything Cream Puff gave him to eat or drink.

Please don’t misunderstand me, he did not think she was trying to kill him, merely trying to calm him down.

Adding to all this were the smses he had read on her phone, which also referred to pills.

Was Cream Puff drugging him as a precautionary measure to protect herself? Who knows. It is a pity he did not run blood tests at the time. But when he stopped drinking and eating what was given to him, he stopped feeling strange and disconnected. I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

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