Yesterday, Arno brought his homework book to me. I had to sign a Demerit slip. Now, I pretty much think I am a cool mom - I take it in my stride - especially if HE brings them home. (I would probably drop down dead with heart failure if one of the girls brought me a slip like that!)
Anyway - my thought process is like this: Arno is doing much better at school this year, he is studying on his own, and really trying hard at the homework / keep room tidy/ study thing. So, I am very proud of him. It is hard to take the forgetfulness out of him. He "forgets" to make me sign his homework - but it was all done, he "forgets" a book at home that should have gone to school etc. He had a few other points there - mostly about work not caught up, and aside from sounding like a mommy making excuses - I really don't think the teachers considered all these things.
SO I ask these questions:
- is he passing all his subjects - yes!
- Is he studying- yes.
- Is he a problem child in the class - No.
- Are there subjects screaming out that they need attention - no!
ARNO, I say sternly, you have to pull up your socks.
Without a space of a second of a breath, he says:
They are up mom!
Looking down at his bare feet on the kitchen floor, I tried very, VERY hard not to laugh - but it got the better of me in the end.
Yes my boy - those are my thoughts about it too.
Ha-ha! Good for you, Arno! And Mom, as well! :-)