Thursday, September 9, 2010

The "Popped" question

Yes, yes...some of you have been checking back, I know. Apologies.
Here is what happened....

We couldn't quite wait till Friday to "pop the question". It sort of gradually came out as the days passed, starting with little hints and finally ending in: so can we have the air rifle serviced.

In the mean time Werner had a heart attack... a month ago now. What a huge shock and trauma, it sent us reeling. He doesn't have high blood or high cholesterol and he isn't over weight. It all happened so very suddenly. We thought he had heart burn, the evening before. The next day we thought the same, except this time he was sweating and in a lot more pain than the night before. He still drove himself to the Dr, who immediately got his wife to drive Werner to the hospital. Their kindness, and the quick thinking of the Dr, probably did a lot to save Werner's life as well as minimize the damage.

After a stint in the theatre to unblock a clogged artery, Werner spent another 3 days in ICU. He was booked off work for a month. During that time, he found out where to have the air rifle serviced and took it in.

From the day Arno found this out Werner had taken the gun for servicing,  he began nagging : when do you think the gun will be ready? We finally told him - after Christmas. THAT answer kept him at bay for about 2 days...then it all started again. SIGH.

Last week Werner went back to work, and this week the gun was ready. Mmm...takes equally long to fix a heart and the spring of a rifle gun...makes you think!

In the meantime, back at the ranch...the room which Arno had been keeping squeaky clean (in order to pop the question), had slowly returned to it's former state - like water - looking for the lowest point to flow.

With renewed "Strictness" I informed my son that should he wish to shoot the air rifle, he had better get 85% on his NS test. Today he came home with a 95% thank you.
As I write, Werner and Arno are shooting at a piece of wood in the garden. Looking at those would not know which is the boy and which the man...the excitement is the same!